Each of our mazes has different characteristics. Apart from the most obvious characteristics such as the design and colors used,
its most important features can be found in the Maze Info table on the productpage of each maze.
Aim of this page is to explain all these key features that characterize our mazes: Each maze is composed of individual nodes, ordered in rows and columns. The maze dimension is the number of rows times the number of columns. The higher the maze dimension, the more complex the maze will be to solve, although complexity is also driven by other factors. Dimension
Aim of this page is to explain all these key features that characterize our mazes: Each maze is composed of individual nodes, ordered in rows and columns. The maze dimension is the number of rows times the number of columns. The higher the maze dimension, the more complex the maze will be to solve, although complexity is also driven by other factors. Dimension
- Each maze is composed of individual nodes, ordered in rows and columns.
- The maze dimension is the number of rows times the number of columns.
- The higher the maze dimension, the more complex the maze will be to solve, although complexity is also driven by other factors.
- The nodesize is the size of an individual node, expressed as width times height, measured in pixels.
- The smaller the nodesize, the higher the nodedensity and hence the harder it will be to solve the maze;
- At higher nodedensity it will be more difficult for your eyes to distinguish the individual nodes and to track the paths you've explored thus far.
- Another important element in this respect is the wallthickness. Thick walls at small node sizes means high complexity.
- WallArtMazes are mainly intended as decoration, but of course also for entertainment and mazerunning.
- MatchMazes on the other hand are mainly intended for mazerunning, but can of course also be used for decoration.
- To ensure smooth mazerunning, MatchMazes need to adhere to strict (WCKD-) guidelines regarding nodesize, wallthickness, etc.
- For WallArtMazes the sky is the limit and hence the variety offered is much larger.
StartPoint / EndPoint
- Startpoint (from where to depart) and endpoint (goal) are two crucial elements of each maze.
- Startpoints and Endpoints in our mazes come in different forms:
StartEndTypes OpenBorder Search for an opening in the mazeborder to enter and/or exit the maze Dot Start- and/or Endpoint is a single node in the maze marked with a character/dot or other shape BorderDot Same as Dot but now the Start- and/or Endpoint can be found along the mazeborder Box Start- and/or Endpoint is a cluster of merged nodes somewhere in the maze
- Based on these different types of start- and endpoints, our mazes can be classified as follows:
Type StartPoint / EndPoint EndOpen Box / OpenBorder StartOpen OpenBorder / Box AllOpen OpenBorder / OpenBorder Dot2DotAnywhere Dot / Dot Dot2Dot BorderDot / BorderDot Predefined Box / Box
- Some WallArt mazes come with an additional challenge; characters are scattered over the maze, together forming a hidden message, poem or story.
- These characters can be randomly scattered over the maze or in ordered fashion.